Monday 14 December 2015

I personally liked the movie better because It was more interesting then the book. And we spent a lot of time reading the book and some of the sentences were sometimes hard to understand. And with the movie it was really easy to understand. But I still enjoyed the book. But I still really liked the movie best.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

E.O.T.C Week


E.O.T.C Week


On week seven of term four the year six class went on their E.O.T.C week.
So here is what I wrote about out fun filled week of activity's.


On Monday the first thing we did was did our mini master chef.
I was in a group with Ellie and Seth. I really enjoyed working with the both of them cause I really thought we work well as a group. When we got to the school hall we had tables each to work on.
Our group made spaghetti sandwiches with ham,cheese and spaghetti. After we all helped make our spaghetti sandwiches we all worked as a team to make our smoothie.And our recipe was Banana,Strawberries,Blueberries,Boysenberries and Raspberries. Then we tipped in rice milk to finish our smoothie off. 

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Tuesday we went to the rec center to have some team building activity's half of the year six's went to rock climbing first and the other half did some activity's. We played duck duck goose, then we played a team building activity where he all had to hold hands and try to untangle our self's from each other. It was really hard but I still really enjoyed it.Then we went rock climbing. Rock climbing was my favorite activity we did in E.O.T.C week. Because I love to challenge myself in many things like rock climbing.

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Wednesday we went to devils bridge to go abseiling I really enjoyed abseiling and I went to go three times. I didn't really mind going down because I have already been abseiling, but it was still challenging and hard but still great fun. When we came back to school it was boiling hot. We came to do some clay art.
I made a little scene of the wet lands because that was the theme.

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On Thursday we went to the aquatic center to do some survival skills. We did some skills on what to do when something goes wrong when your at the open sea. It was WAY fun and after doing our survival skills we got a half an hour of free play. Once everyone was changed into their clothes we went outside to get out subway. We got six inch sandwich with our chosen ingredient in it. We also had a chose to get a cookie or fruit. When everyone had their lunch we heading to steam punk. When we went in we went into the infinity portal. It was really awesome to see all the colorful lights everywhere. When we all had our tern in the infinity portal we went out side to make some steam punk themed sculpture's  made out of different used things.

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Thank you to all the parents who helped, we ALL appreciate the help you have done for us and couldn't of gone on our E.O.T.C week with out you. So thank you so so much and hope u like the thank you cards we made for you all.
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Thursday 19 November 2015

What To Bring To EO.T.C Week

What To Bring To E.O.T.C




*Respect to everyone



*Being caring 


*Supportive to someone that is confident 


*Fair Player

*Including EVERYONE


*Helping Hands



Monday 9 November 2015

Keeping our self safe

Zoe and Aroha were walking from the dairy eating ice creams. Up ahead of them they noticed an unfamiliar car parked at the side of the road. As they approach, a woman winds down the window and calls the girls over. Reluctantly they approached the car. "Hi girls. How are you today?" said the lady "Were fine thanks", the girls replied. "They look like yummy ice creams".Your Mum just called me to come and pick you up because she isn't  felling well." Zoe and Aroha looked at each other and decided. Zoe and Aroha decided and replied with confident voices " NO thanks we were asked to walk home,but thanks for asking. The lady kept on insisting but the girls still said no. And Zoe and Aroha walked away from the lady's car. While the girls walked back home they saw the lady in her car driving around the block where they were walking. The girls started to sprint away and they still saw the site of her, They ran to Zoe's house where her Mum was. Aroha screamed. And Zoe's Mum instantly herd the loud commotion outside, she opened the door with shock. "What going on" Zoe's Mum said in a fright. And Zoe told her Mum everything that happened.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Presentation at The Temple

The Presentation at The Temple

There was a rule among the Jews that the first born child in the family had to be taken over to the Temple in Jerusalem. So when Jesus was forty days old Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple. There his parents made an offering to show that he belonged to the Lord. For an offering Joseph bought two young pigeons to place upon the altar of the Temple.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Term Three Highlights

Term Three Highlights

My highlights for this term is doing Singing Cup because I won the year six trophy. Singing Cup was also a challenge because I had to sing in front of everyone in the school, but I still enjoyed it. 

Another highlight was having Miss Huls as my teacher because we do A LOT of cool art and do a lot of singing as a class. 

A challenge for me is meeting new people and getting to know them because I am really shy and I have trouble getting to know people. Next term I am excited about working on Elite Special Forces of the Learner Licenses.

The thing that I have learnt more about this term is that so many people in the senior hubs have so many talents like singing, playing guitar, drums and so many other things.  


Sunday 23 August 2015

African Art

What is African Art?

African art is away to show their emotions and cultures on a piece of paper. African art has been around for 2,000 years and still is recognized. The lady's go out and find some things to mix into paint. This picture I drew is three lady's holding baskets.
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